Best Study Tips

I know how most of us cannot concentrate on studying. I myself use to distract a lot while studying before, but I did some research and tried implementing below tips and surprisingly they worked out pretty well for me. If you are someone struggling to study, then read this article it will definitely help you.

  1. Find a clean and quiet place. It can be your room, Library, Business Center, any place where you can sit and study. I recommend not to study in your bed. Find a table and chair.It can be your study table or dinning table.
  2. Avoid your distractions. Avoid any distractions like phone, siblings, friends anything or anyone in that studying time.
  3. Divide your study topics into small sub topics. 
  4. Set Timer. Yes, if you have decided to study for 4 hours divide it into 2 hours and 2 hours. Set a timer for 2 hours and start studying and keep your phone away or in do not disturb mode and start studying. Once your 2 hours are done note down the topics you have completed and take a 15 minute break. Do not watch TV at that time. Go speak with someone, eat or drink something, go for a walk in fresh air and come back after 15 minutes. Set your timer for 2 hours and start studying again. This setup worked very well with me when I combined it with the first step.
  5. Keep water bottle and some snacks beside you. 
Try following these tips . These tips helped me and will help you all as well.



  1. If you don't know the answer then you must draw any diagram which has some close relation to the topic. You may get some marks there. It is better to write something and draw a diagram related to that topic instead of leave the answer sheet blank.


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