my project on Drug rehabilitation center

 I went to a drug rehabilitation center on a project.Its really hard to handle drug addicts.we have practically seen that.I have seen a man who use to take 180 pills per day.He looked like a normal man.

 They handle them very sensitively. They act is if they are sick, they act as if they have changed and they even try to escape from that place.So they always lock all the doors.They give 2 cigarettes per day to their patients.when their patients try to escape they stop giving those two cigarettes. So most of them don't try to escape.I visited their rooms, they were very tidy. I have seen TV stands with out TV's. When i asked the manager about the TV stands he told that they use to provide tv but patients use to fight for remote and damage tv so they have removed all of them. Their beds were covered with white bed sheets and white pillow covers. On a pillow cover on of the patient drew a picture which shows that his life is very sad.

This is the drug rehabilitation center that we have visited

They used strong rod for windows so that they can't escape. But they try to escape from bathrooms.They are allowed to go out until they get cured.They try to act sentimental with their parents to escape from there.When we asked the management  that we want to talk with the patients they told "okay  you can talk but they will only lie". The management will be very patient and look after them very patiently.Most of them who want to serve society join in this. Because they have to do every thing patiently. 


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