seven steps to loose weight


 1.Walk up early in the morning and drink water

 2.Do exercise for 1 hour and drink lime juice with honey or mosambi  juice with out sugar.

 3.Do breakfast by 9'O clock

 4.Eat healthy food  for every 2 hours so that you don't feel hungry.

 5.Do exercise at lest for 1 hours in the evening.

 6.Do not have oily food . dinner by 8'O clock and don't have curd at night times.

     By following these seven steps a person can feel fresh , fit and confident. you skin becomes fresh and glow which makes you look more beautiful and attractive and you can reduce your fat.


  1. Nice tips, Apoorva! I must add here that one should avoid eating junk food and sugary drinks like cold drinks, frooty, rasna, etc. Unfortunately, I love junk food very much. Every weekend I go to KFC and eat chicken. However, I have controlled myself on drinking cold drinks and burgers. At home, I do pranayam for about 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. As a matter of fact, my weight is stable.

    Thank you for your articles. They all are sweet and informative. I read them all tonight. Keep writing and sharing.

    Abhishek Kumar Singh


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