Software Testing - Manual testing part 1

 How many of you have idea on software testing? People who is not so good in programming and wanted to settle in software can opt this. They can learn software testing, I have attended testing course i will share my knowledge with you .

There are two types of testing it is Manual testing and Automation testing. Automation testing can be done using QTP tool. In this post i will discuss basics of manual testing and com pleat full software testing in few posts.
                                                      MANUAL TESTING 

Software : software is a set of excicutable  programs.

We have eight SDLC models in testing ( Software design life cycle) they are:

  1. Waterfall model
  2. Prototype model
  3. Incremental model
  4. Spyrial model
  5. RAD model
  6. Fish model
  7. V model and
  8. Agile model
 Now in this post i will discuss briefly about this models

1.Waterfall Model: This model is followed by companies to develop a new software, when the customer or market requirement is clear. This model is also called as Linear sequential model. Design of this model will be like this

Software bidding ( A proposal to develop new software)
Kick of meeting (CEO)
Over all plan (Project manager)
Requirements gathering ( business analyst)
Analysis & detailed plan by program manager  (System analyst)
Design  (Technical architect)
Coding  (programmer)
Testing (Few programmers)
Release (Change control board)
Maintenance  (Trained freshers)

In the above figure we can see the design.Here when a customer comes with a proposal it is called a project and if the same company proposes it is called a product . When there is any proposal of a project or a product, the CEO of the company will conduct a kick of meeting and discus about the project. Then a program manager will be selected and he will prepare a over all plan . Then business analyst will gather all the requirements then system analyst will analysis and get all the detailed plan from program manager, then technical architect will design and programmers will do coding. In this model few programmers will do testing. Like this this model continues.

2.PROTOTYPE MODEL: When the customer requirements are not clear organisations can follow this model.To make customer requirements clear we show prototype models to them in this method. Every thing else is same as waterfall model.

3. INCREMENTAL MODEL: When customer requirements are huge organisations can follow this model.AS customer requirements are huge software development will be done increment by increment that is First they will complete few modules and release the software and then starts working on other modules. every thing else is same as 1st model.

4. SPYRAL MODEL: When customer requirements are enhancing regularly organisations can follow spiral model.In this model for a product on customer enhancement organisations will release many versions.

5.RAD MODEL: Rad stands for "Rapid application development". When customer requirements are similar to old project or product requirements organisation can develop new software by copying old project or product coding .

6.FISH MODEL: It is a SDLC model along with multiple stages of testing.This model is costly and time taking model but quality guaranteed. In this model after every stage testing team will be there and testing will be done.That is after BRS,SRS,Design they will be reviewed. After coding unit testing will be done and after software integration integration testing will be done.then software testing will be done . After this acceptance testing , release testing will be done. description about this testes will be done in next posts.

Review on documents is called Verification.
Testing on programming, interconnection of programs are called Validation.

7. V MODEL: This model is introduced by William E Perry. "V" stands for verification and validation.This model shape is also "V".In this model testing will come in every stage of SDLC but separate tester will come in software testing team only. BA can prepare BRS and review that BRS for completeness and correctness.
SA can prepare SRS and review that SRS for completeness and correctness. TA can prepare designs and review them.Separate testing team will test a complete software with respect to SRS . this is called SOFTWARE TESTING.

8. AGILE MODEL:   In this model developers can join with testers but those people should take approval from customer site representative called STAKE HOLDER(SH).  These SH are working for customer site people and approve each deliverable came from developers and testers.

 These are the eight stages of  SDLC models. I will discuss about testing stages in next post.



  1. Hello Apoorva,
    The informative Post on Software testing and its basic Manual Testing is nice give detail information about it.Thanks for Sharing the information about Manual Testing. Software Testing Services


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