Software testing - manual testing part 2

                                                   TESTING STAGES OR PHASES

           There are four testing stages. They are 
  1. Documents Testing
  2. Unit Testing
  3. Integration Testing and
  4. Software Testing.
  Here testers job is Software testing. let us discuss briefly about all the testings

1. DOCUMENTS TESTING : In general any SDLC model can start with requirements gathering by BA(Business analyst). BA can prepare BRS(Business requirement specifications). BRS is also called as CRS(customer requirement specifications).

    Documents testing can be done in three ways. They are : 
  •  Walk through 
  • Inspection
  • Peer review
Let us discuss about them

A.WALK THROUGH: A document reading from 1st to last is called as walk through.

B. INSPECTION : (Searching a document for a specific issue or a topic ) A document searching of specific factors is called as inspection.

C. PEER REVIEW: Comparing two similar documents point to point is called as peer review.

2. UNIT TESTING: This testing is called WHITE BOX TESTING. When designed documents was base lined,corresponding programmers can start coding by writing programs with respect to designs. We use four ways for unit testing, they are :
  • BASIC PATH COVERAGE: In this we test weather the program is running or not.
  • CONTROL STRUCTURE COVERAGE: In this we test weather the program is running correctly  or not.
  • PROGRAM TECHNIC COVERAGE: In this we test weather the program is running fastly or not.
  • MUTATION COVERAGE: Programmer can use this Technic to estimate correctness of testing on program(tester).Here programmer can perform  changes in corresponding program and repeat previous tests.If previous test results are effected due to changes in program , then tester can conform that program testing was completed.If previous test results were not effected due to changes in program then tester can conform that the program testing was incomplete.
3. INTEGRATION TESTING: Programmers can follow four approaches to integrate programs. they are:
  • TOP DOWN APPROACH :From this approach programmers can interconnect main program with some of the sub programs, because remaining sub programs are under construction. In the place of under constructive sub programs programmer can use temporary program called STUBS. 
  • BOTTOM UP APPROACH : From this approach programmers can interconnect sub programs with out involvement of main page because main page is under construction.We can use driver in place of main program. It is a temporary program used instead  of under constructive main program.
  • HYBRID APPROACH : It is a combination of top down approach and bottom up approaches.This approach is also called as sandwich approach
  • SYSTEM APPROACH : From this approach programmers can start integration after completion of 100% coding. This approach is also called as BIG BANG APPROACH.
4. SOFTWARE TESTING : S/W testing is of two types. They are
A.Functional testing and
B.Non functional testing.
 A.FUNCTIONAL TESTING: FT means "Validation of a software build with respect to customer requirements". It is classified into 8 sub testes. They are :
  • GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) TESTING : During this test testing team can validate every object behavior in  every screen of software build.
  • INPUT DOMINE TESTING :  During this test testing team can validate size and type of every input object in  every screen of software build.
  • ERROR HANDLING TESTING :  During this test testing team can operate software build by giving invalid data to identify error handling correctness in that software build.
  • OUTPUT MANIPULATION TESTING :  During this test testing team can operate software build by giving valid data to identify correctness of output in that software build.
  •  DATA BASE TESTING :  During this test testing team can operate software build screens by giving data and observe impact of that operation on back end data base.
  • DATA VOLUME TESTING :  During this test testing team can insert data to data base to find out the capacity of that software build data base.
  • INTER SYSTEM TESTING :  During this test testing team can validate correctness of interconnection in between our software build and other software's to share resources  .
  • RECOVERY TESTING :  During this test testing team can send software build to abnormal stage to normal stage.
B . NON FUNCTIONAL TESTING : After completion of functional testing testing team will go to non functional testing to validate software build with respect to customer expectations.This non functional testing is also called as system testing as it can be conducted only when complete software build is ready.There are 8 types of testing. they are 
  • USABILITY TESTING : During this test testing team can validate user friendliness of software build.It means ease of use, look and feel and short navigation. 
  • COMPATIBILITY TESTING : During this test testing team can operate software build in various customer expected platforms. Here platforms means computer operating systems, browser and other system software's.
  • HARDWARE CONFIGURATION  TESTING :  During this test testing team can run software build by using various configured hardware devices like various types of printers etc.
  • PERFORMANCE TESTING : Performance means speed in process. This testing is classified into below sub tests : 
  1. The execution of software build in customer expected configuration and customer expected load (number of concurrent users ) to estimate speed in processing is called as load testing.
  2. The execution of software build in customer expected configuration and more than customer expected load by increasing interval y to identify peak load is called as Stress testing.
  3. The execution of software build in customer expected configuration by applying huge load to identify the server crashing point is called as spike testing.
  4. The execution of software build in customer expected configuration and customer expected load continuously to identify the execution of software build is called as endurance testing or longevity testing.
  • SECURITY TESTING : This testing is also classified into below sub tests :
  1. Weather our software build is allowing valid users and preventing invalid users are not called as authentication (Clint point of view).
  2. Weather valid user have permissions to access specific functionality of software build or not ? called as access control testing.
  3. Weather our software build encryption / description process is strong or not is called as encryption/decryption testing.
  • MULTILANGVITY TESTING :  When our software build screens developed in Unicode supported language , corresponding testing teams need to test that software build by giving data in multiple languages.
  • PARALLEL TESTING : This testing is applicable only for products.Here testing team can compare s/w product with previous versions of same product and with other competitive products to identify the weakens and strengths.
  •  COMPLIANCE TESTING : During this test , test management can check efficiency of testers and improve their efficiency if needed. 
5. ACCEPTANCE TESTING : After completion of s/w testing project management can concentrate on acceptance testing to collect feedback on s/w build from real customers in project or from model customers in product . There are two Technics in this testing such as alpha testing and Beta testing.This testing Technics are called yellow box testing Technic.
  • ALPHA TESTING : This testing is follow-able in projects.In this we invite real customer site people to our company . Developers and testers can talk with real customer site people to get feedback on s/w build.
  • BETA TESTING : This testing is follow-able in products.In this we release s/w build trail version to market. Developers and testers can study feedback , mails or opinions to understand their feedback.
6. RELEASE TESTING : To release s/w to real customers or licence purchased customers project management can form a team with presents of few developers, testers and hardware engineers. This team is called on site team. This team will come to customer site and install s/w in that customer site network.This is called Green box testing Technic.

7. MAINTENANCE TESTING :After release of s/w pm cam sign of all the developers and testers from the current project or product . To handle change requests of customers pm can form ccb( change control board) with freshers.This team members are having both development and testing knowledge.

NOTE :  During maintenance of a project  or product pm can calculate DRE  of testing team by using a formula. it is 
                   DRE = A/(A+B)
A = number of bugs found by testers during testing 
B= number of failures faced by customers during maintenance. 

0.8 is the reasonable DRE for testing team.


  1. What about alpha and beta testing? Smoke testing, regression testing and stress testing? I think they should also be covered if you're writing about software testing. They also have great importance in software testing field.

    I loved the effort you put in your article. Keep writing!

    Software Development Company

    1. Hi i will cover them in coming posts, I am coming in an order so u can find all of them and i will be updating these blogs with more information.As i want to explain every thing clearly i am taking more time to give clear and detailed information.

    2. Nicely done, Apoorva. I can see you have updated your blog with more types of testing. Your article on testing is surely a worth bookmarking for future read. Keep up the good work.

      Best wishes!
      Software Development Company

  2. Manual testing is a big deal in software development, because if you satisfied your clients, automatically you have achieved your goals. Satisfaction of clients based on quality of your services.


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